
Student: Jessica Cornell
Location: Mexico

GCBC has been a tremendous blessing to my life, and to our ministry in Mexico. Not only that, but an answer to prayer. My husband and I have been in full time ministry for 8 years now in Central Mexico. Ever since we started, the Lord gave us the vision of opening a Bible College. Last year we came in contact with GCBC and since then have started our Studies. I have been so blessed and have enjoyed reading each one of the textbooks. Although I already knew many of the topics, it is always refreshing to review basic doctrine, as well as learning something new. My goal is to finish this summer and be able to open our first Bible College in Mexico. We already have three young people from our mission in line to begin in September. We praise the Lord for the wonderful and great vision of GCBC!
Student: Dr. Veronica Marks
Location: Jamaica

Greetings to all the Instructors and administration staff of GCBC, special greetings to Mama and Papa who God gave the vision to take the Great Commission to the remote places of this world. I am from Jamaica and I attended a Apostolic Church for many years. I was always seeking to know more about God, I tried finding a Bible College in Jamaica, with no success. Finally the Lord led me to GCBC web site that did it for me. And today my life is no longer the same, I met people that loves the Lord, people that were willing to give up their time and money, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I met Instructors that were very patient and kind. God gave me the strength to continue through my bible studies I got my DBS, BTH, ADM, MASTERS Degree and my PHD to " God be the Glory". I am honored to say that I am one of the Instructors at GCBC , the Overseer of the Bible College in Jamaica. And we have just opened a Great Commission Bible Church. I pray that God will continue to bless GCBC

Student: Rudny Subigca
Location: Philippines

I have been raised by a Godly family but spiritual life is a process and a long journey. It needs sustenance to reach spiritual maturity and Great Commission Bible College plays an important role on this. This school touched my life. What I have now, I owed it to this school. I am proud to let the world know that Great Commission Bible College is my alma mater. To those who are out there, try and see what this school can do for you. Sent from my iPad

Student: Joseph Kamanga
Location: Africa

I would like to thank gcbc for having coming at my rescue at first I thought my future is no more but when I came across gcbc, the sky is the limit, it is a university without barriers. Thank you... the President and founder! Long life for your vision.

Student: Christopher Mulapwa
Location: Zambia
GCBC Extension Instructor

I am also the National Overseer of the Great Commission Bible College in Zamba Africa
I would like to share with you what the Lord has done through Great Commission Bible College. The Lord called me in the year 1998, and He showed that He will use me to train other men and women who called to serve Him. I did not know how it may happen, until the Lord connected me to Great Commission Bible college, we launched our school in Zambia in 2013 and since then I have trained many students in Zambia. Praise God!

Student: Nancy Malone
Location: USA

Well, praise the Lord! I am in the Master's Degree Program at GCBC and loving every minute of it. It's enriching, edifying, and informative. Every class I've taken, since the very beginning, has been a little gem of wisdom in my life. The way I found this school is I prayed and looked through the many schools online, and I felt led of the Lord to select this one. I'm so glad I did! There's just no school like this one - it's a journey to increasing your faith and love, and learning the Bible through and through.

Student: Francis Wanyama
Location: Busia Uganda

By the grace of God through a friend of mine Bishop Lawrence Semaganda I got a scholarship to study the Bible. This was my childhood dream. Before I got born-again I actually desired to be a Catholic priest. Within a period of two and a half years I've been able to study three degrees i.e (DBS, ADM, DD), hoping to complete the fourth one (BTH) this year. I never thought I would pursue any course in the USA this easy. Secondly, early this year I was elevated to the level of an instructor in my home area because I had a burning desire to have a campus of GCBC in Busia Uganda. We started in November with around 15 students and we are hoping too have this class graduate with a DBS. This has been a dream come true. We bless the Lord too for the gift of a computer from the GCBC family. Thanks for loving the children of God from this part of the globe. Thanks you Papa, Mama, Bishop Lawrence and to my former Pastor Engineer Robert Omwembe (RIP) who connected me to Bishop then the GCBC family. I must say that I'm enjoying the study. My focal point is to do a Phd but still remain humbly serving God. Glory to God.

Student: Chris Onyegbule
Location: Africa

Great Commission Bible College has been extremely helpful to me in my ministry as a Pastor. I am particularly excited with the down-to-earth courses that have really exposed me to practical ministry. Candidly speaking, I am overwhelmed with the wealth of the bible course materials. It may interest you to know, that the courses may be free, however, the firmness and strictness that goes with the marking and grading of tests lend credence to what God is doing with GCBC. I am excited to be a student of this great institute. More grace to your grace. Long live GCBC!!

Student: Julius Wambua
Location: Kenya
(Printed unedited as received from Smart Phone)

I am a student at GCBC. I was born 8th child out of 12. I was born different from the rest. I was borne with 12 fingures. I lost the two fingures through jiggers bite which because of poverty caused me malnutrition and made me dwarfed. Due to this disease I never had education. I became a street child for almost 3 years. God is merciful someone introduced me to GCBC. With no formal education, this was a big challenge because GCBC will be my first school in history. I applied for ADM degree without being sure of what it is. For for 5 years I struggled doing this degree. I always pleaded with GCBC lecturers to help me where I didn't understand. Bollinger may God bless you for being so kind to me. Daddy Ijehrlich thanks alot for being kind to me. You always helped me by directing and guiding me all through forgetting that you are the president of GCBC. You belittled yourself to reach me and lift me. I will never forget your love and kindness. GCBC is a true Godly college and compossed of men who truly fear God. Today as I prepare to graduate with great men and woman of God, I am so excited for the impact GCBC has impacted in my life. My graduation and my award is the most precious moments of my life. This will be the only certificate of education i ever recieved since childhood. It will be the only GCBC certificate to be seen in our family of 12 children. God bless GCBC. God bless Daddy Ijehrlich and his lovely wife. God bless Bollinger and all GCBC lecturers and subordinate stuff. Kindly I request you to make my testimony short . Shalom. Sent from Samsung Mobile

Student: Mary Mwangi
Location: Africa

Since joining Great Commission Bible College I have experienced a great change in my life. I began with the book of Acts which inspired me to do Mission Work. I formed a Ministry Mizpah Prisons Evangelistic Ministry whose objective is reaching out to the prisoners and ex-prisoners. I introduced these courses to prisoners and most of them have received their certificates and they are doing a great work in prisons evangelizing to others. Some who have been released have become leaders in their churches. I thank God for Great Commission Bible College; the Library books, free online books the courses are a great resource to me. Through this Prisons Ministry over two thousand prisoners have given their lives to Jesus and most of them want to pursue this course but our only challenge is computers, printer and printing materials. I cannot send prisoners photos for security reasons in our country

Student: Tobias S.Wakhungu
Location: Webuye, Kenya

My salvation dates back in 1984. I grew up what in what may be called a dysfunctional family. I was born in family of five, where I was the only boy. My father was a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother on slightest disagreement. Our home was continually a war zone. From food to school fees, that was the burden my mother had to carry. In 1984, while I was in high school, my mother was literally unable to pay for my fees. It was for this reason that I decided to travel to my aunt who lived in KISUMU, KENYA. While in KISUMU, I contracted a bout of malaria that almost killed me. I could not response to medication. I realized that I was going to die and therefore when brother Mwiteti visited our house to pray for me, I was eager to receive his prayer, hoping that it would be the final one. Before this, I had tried to avoid anything to do with salvation because I feared that I would give up many good things in life (like dating, drinking etc). But on 28th February 1984, I had few options. I did whatever brother Mwiteti told me, including repeating every word he told to repeat as I surrendered my life to JESUS. As I continued to repeat his words, I found out that my tongue became loose and words started to come forth uncontrollably. I could not make sense of what I was talking about but peace and tranquility flooded my heart. I had to sweat profusely. I was instantly healed of malaria! My life changed. Evil thoughts that were passing through my mind about committing suicide were literally "deleted" from my mind. As I look back, I thank God for saving me. Through God's grace, am the best father and husband. Am personally blessed to be a student in this precious college because what is taught is both simple and factual. Students can easily apply whatever they learn. Am persuaded that theology was never meant to be hard but enjoyable and provocative, like what you are doing.

Student: Paul Park
Location: South Korea

I am the youngest of five brothers. I grew up in a Confucianism-influenced family in Republic of Korea, so I had to learn Chinese characters at a small traditional village school called Seodang from 6 to 10 years old. And I was permitted to skip the first three grades of an elementary school and enroll in the fourth grade thanks to the acknowledgement of the above-mentioned school achievement. Living in a remote farming village,

Once I went through the fire with God, I became a new man in Christ. Everything changed to me. Worldly things such as riches, fame, authority, power, etc. became worthless and useless to me because my treasures in heaven is eternal and incomparable to things on earth. I am not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14-15). I am dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus my Lord (Romans 6:11). Once again I confess I am save by grace alone, through faith alone and in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Finally I feel greatly honored and thankful to be admitted to take Ph. D. degree course for gratis at this Great Commission Bible College under the faithful and trustworthy mentorship and shepherdship.

Student: Rev. Dr. Erick L Mponzi
Location: Tanzania

I thank God for enabling me to reach to my dream of being a Doctor of Theology. Jesus Christ saved me in 1998 and in 2008 God gave me the vision of Preparing the workers for the End time Harvest. I didn’t understand how I would involve in that ministry because I didn’t attend the Bible College by that time, fortunately in 2010, I got a chance to join with International School of Ministry for pursuing the Diploma in Bible and Ministry and I was I appointed to Facilitator of ISOM center. Although I learned there, but that School did not fulfill my dream. So I continued to look for the Bible college that would prepare me enough to fulfill the vision God gave me. I come from a poor family therefore I couldn’t afford to pay a College fee. I asked God to give me the college which is the best and relating to my call and that will have no tuition fee. In 2017 God brought me to the GCBC website. When I read the instruction on site I recognized that it is the school that would fit me and would enable me to fulfill the Call of God.

I enrolled, in DIPLOMA IN BIBLICAL STUDIES Program and after competing, I asked to be the Overseer in Tanzania because there many people who wanted to be trained in their environment at a low cost. I launched the GCBC in Tanzania and I continued with my study in Diploma In Discipleship, Associate Degree In Ministry, Bachelor of Theology, Master of Ministry And finally I have Completed the Doctorate program in Theology (D.Th) in December, 2017 and I am among GCBC Instructors and The first GCBC graduate in Tanzania. I feel proud to have my doctorate degree in Theology than my secular degree of Bachelor of Education Counseling Psychology earned from Teofilo Kisanji University (Tanzania).

Special thanks go to the papa Dr. L.J. Ehrlich, Ida Ehrlich, Dr. Carol Oakes and other GCBC instructors for providing their time to instruct me to encourage me to solve all challenges I meet in my studies.

I Declare that GCBC courses has not left me the same, my life have been changed I have been transformed into another person.

Great Commission Bible College is a Place for transformation and importation. In it is a spiritual centered university without the wall. I believe that workers should be trained in the harvest field as the GCBC is doing.

Student: Michael Spicer
Location: Colorado
God Healed Me

I was born on June 17th 1959 at a very young age and out of all the people you will ever meet, I am definitely one of them

I was born with 3 holes in my heart, the doctors told my parents that I would not last to long. at 3 years old I came down with double pneumonia and my parents put me in the hospital and to this day I can still remember people coming into my hospital room in complete amazement that I was still alive. I recovered and went home, but all my childhood I was in and out of the hospital, I did not go to school full time until I was around 12.

There was a time in my life that I was in my early 20s. I was living in Sacramento California. On Christmas eve I was driving down a major street, when a brand new 1980 Cadillac pulled out and headed right at me. Bam....  head on collision, I went through the windshield and kissed the grill, I was pretty messed up but I got up and checked on everyone else,  when the ambulance got there I collapsed on the gurney and was paralyzed from the neck down. At the hospital in the ER their initial response was I may not ever walk again, 2 weeks later I walked out of the hospital.

Some years later I was hurt again, and a doctor put me on Dialota's, which is a synthetic heroin, I learned how to inject that up my arm, yeah I got pretty sick with that crap but I just got to the point that I walked away from it. No treatment, no gradually coming off of it, I just stopped! God had a plan.

In 2012 I was diagnosed with diabetes, COPD, a blood disease, skin cancer and stage 3 kidney disease. We were living in another state and I was on Medicaid and we were on a fixed income. The state wanted to take half of our income for my treatment, they called it a "spend down", we could not afford that. So my sister, who lives in Canon City, Colorado told us "why don’t we move to Colorado" that the Medicaid here was set up different and I could get my treatment here without that huge cost. So we came here on a visit to check everything out and fell in love with Colorado. Everything my sister told me about the treatment options and Medicaid here were true. So we moved here and I started treatment...God had a plan. We soon found out that my COPD was non existent, my skin cancer was cut out, even though it was malignant, no other treatment was necessary I was cancer free. At this point through blood test they discovered that my kidney disease no longer showed up, God had a plan. The blood disease that I had is now almost nonexistent. I just started a medicine for it that will cure it, or so they say, I know I have been cured by His stripes.

God put a call on me years ago and I ignored Him. Well earlier this year. He woke me up out of a sound sleep and told me to look up Christian colleges. So when I followed His directions He showed me Great Commission Bible College and I applied for a scholarship, not thinking I would get it. I received a full scholarship. On September 17th I received my Bachelor of Theology Degree