The Doctorate Degree (Segment I of III)
Completion of Segments I, II, & III are required to receive a Doctorate Degree in Ministry or Theology. If you receive a Doctorate in Ministry, you will only be able to receive an Honorary Doctorate in Theology after submitting a 20,000-word dissertation utilizing one of the Doctorate in Theology Designations, and vice versa for the Doctorate in Ministry.
(SegmentI) Doctorate Degree
30 Credit Hours (Instructor graded courses only) There are 20 courses, each requiring a 2000 word minimum Essay. See Instructions on "How to Prepare a Essay" in the "Student Handbook" or in the "GCBC Library".
If the applicant has a Master Degree from GCBC,a Bible College, Biblical University, or the equivalent from an approved institution, they may apply to be admitted to the Doctorate program. There are 30 additional credits from 20 courses required in (Segment I) listed in the Student Handbook. The 30 (Segment I) credits will be from these classes; BIDO712, CHLE736, CHRI822, CHFI744, EVCH704, EXTE777, GODD840, HERM877, HUMA717, JEFE820, MINI741, MICO832, NETE877, PACO742, PERO8I6, THAT872, THTA877, TEGR776, THTE723, YOCH782
If the student has a degree or equivalent credit from another college, they will need 8 additional hours. (All students must have taken 8 required credits for any degree)These courses are BIDO101, JESU120, & THNE100. Students successfully completing (SegmentI) may begin (Segment II).